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Wow! Justin was really a sweetheart to Kristin. Considering that he's known to be a jerk to every other female (mainly Audrina) Kristin should feel pretty dang good about herself! For him to drive all the way to Vegas for her...To answer her question, no Kristin he most definitly would have never done that for Audrina. No for real, I give him props for that, he's slowly working his way up. Awww !
It seems to me that the question remains whether or not it would be a good idea for Jayde and Brody to get bac together. I say no ! One way that I've always sort of looked at break-ups is: If you broke up with the person the first time, there is a legitimate reason, getting back with that person in no way changes that reason, thus the problem is still technically there. In other words, there was a reason why you broke up with them in the first place so why would you go back to that. I don't know, maybe it's a synical way to look at it but that's my perspective on break-ups in general. As far as Brody and Jayde are concerned, I feel like they've had problems throughout their relationship, and saying that they've never once resolved the real issue central to any one of their fiscal arguments, I feel like they're going to continue to have problems and constantly fight with each other. Obviously there must be something that Jayde is doing correctly to keep Brody right where she needs him. Either way, I don't think it'd be a good idea for the two to get back together; they're only going to end up breaking up in the long run. So, why not save us all the time and trouble!?!
Yes i said it, poor Kristin! weird?? I know! But as you guys must know by now from reading previous blog posts, I, unlike numerous other L.C. fans, have nothing against Kristin. Au contraite, I admire her confidence and fearfulness, and feel that a lot of girls should see her as an example to overpower the male population's greedy minds regarding the opposite sex. But, that's besides the point. I for one can say that I really do feel bad about the turn out of the Brody-Kristin situation. For the first time it seemed that Kristin showed genuine true feelings for a boy [Brody] and to watch her pretty much get her hopes up and then subtly turned down was kind of a hard thing for her I imagine, as would be to any rational individual. So yeah she's had her share of bxtchy moments, however I do feel bad for the fact that she seemed highly disapointed and a bit crushed when Brody announced to her his turn about in considering getting back with his girl Jayde. : ( oh well! we all would've tried to tell him... Jayde is lunatic!
"I feel like he's really serious this time," says Audrina, desperately feening for Justin's love and attention. After meeting up with her wanna-be-lover, Justin, Audrina basically pours her heart out on how she would hope for them to get back together with a lot of mending and fixing because she cares about him alot and Justin's response to this is... "I don't know kiddo." SHOCKED!! Like really Audrina how dumb do you feel! smh. At the same time, as a woman, I feel for her because I can't imagine how much that hurt. I could just see her holding back her tears, which she did a terrible job at hiding when he basically told her that Kristin and him experienced things that Audrina could never give to him. Like dang, he straight played you Audrina. I can't wait to see how she bounces back [or probably won't bounce back] from such a traumatizing experience with the man she loves oh so much. I feel for her but at the same time she's mad dumb and continously acts naive about the whole Justin situation. Like really, when will you ever learn!
Let's see from the Kristin and Jayde catfight to Spencer's visectomy... so much happened all in one episode! Ok let's begin with Heidi and Spencer's dilemma. I would first like to point out that there is not ONE episode where Enzo is not at the house. lol. But that's besides the point.I kind of feel for Heidi because it's like she said, "Spencer you knew I wanted children when you married me." That is so the truth, and like I've said before that is something they should have discussed wayyy long ago. But anyways Spencer is still hilarious to me, especially in that office. All I have to say to Heidi is she better thank the lord the process can't really be reversed, or else she would be having kids on Spencer's time, in other words no time soon! As far as Kristin and Jayde, well let's just say Jayde came out looking mighty stupid considering that her recent ex-boyfriend, Brody, basically chose to side with Kristin (his rekindled flame) following their altercation at the club. How do you feel Jayde??? I'll tell you how, like shxt ! Smh. Oh well, once again Kristin comes out on top thanks to her male mentality and female physicality. (a quote from my beloved roomie! :)
I just finished watching a quick preview and thought it'd be wise to let my readers know what's to come next. From what I saw, a huge altercation is to occur with none other than Kristin of course and the other crazy girl of the show Jayde. I'm almost positive it will have a lot to do with Brody; whichever the case may be, Jayde never did like Kristin so it's no shock. However, it does get really heated. In the end though, seems like Brody might just side with Kristin saying that he ends up at her house discussing it. As for the rest, we'll just have to tune in tommorow night!
Seeing the previews for next week's episode, I am not at all surprised at Audrina's obvious stupidity. There is no way in heck the girl is just that naive to continuously subject herself to getting played! I refuse to believe it so I'm going to just go ahead and call it stupidity. "Why won't the spark die?" says Audrina about Justin. It has !!! You're just too blind and gullible to either see it or accept it. Earth to Audrina ! Justin is clearly playing you! He knows what to say and do to get you back each time, and unless you develop some sense of intelligence or even mere common sense, he will keep on doing so! geesh!! I just can't stand stupid girls, and then her friends are just as blameworthy for the fact that they sit there, watch it happen, and just go along in letting her look mad dumb. Hey, if you want to keep getting hurt, Audrina, you're doing a terrific job! Keep on doing what you're doing, that's all i have to say. Smh. Will she ever learn?!?!?
Funny how Justin refused to show up to Heidi's birthday, hmmm.... "No, I don't care about Audrina. I want her to tell you everything," says Justin to Kristin. Little did Kristin know little old Justin was in fact holding back about his recent meeting with Audrina. Speaking of which their little altercation, shall we call it, was kind of weird to me. I felt like Kristin was the bigger woman and came at Audrina correct, Audrina has this weird way of standing up for herself when it's really just not necessary. Go figure! Her mind just works in such mysterious way. I just don't understand how it started so calmly and ended in a "f*ck you." I understand that most people have this negative perception of Kristin however I can respect the fact that she knows how to think like a man. It's best for any girl to be this way as it prevents getting hurt! No girl should ever feel the need to hate on that. So what she's a lil player, let it be and learn from her! That's what I say. My motto is "Act like a lady but think like a man." I can respect Kristin's perceverance in living up to that saying.