Sunday, October 18, 2009

Justin OH Justin...

I would like to take the time to dedicate a special blog post to Justin. Isn't he quite the character! His flawless looks are made almost invisible behind the scruffy look, unfashionable attire, and excessive facial hair. However, I'm here to let everybody know that he is in fact flawless... as far as looks are concerned that is. I know, I know hard for many to believe but what can I say, the boy cleans up well! His more than charming personality makes him the perfect guy for any girl... Ok, I'm lying. So if it's not his personality, not his trend, and if his looks go hardly noticed by the world, then what is it that makes him so0o incredibly irresistible to all these girls?!?! I say it's the fact that he is so different from most guys. It is his don't-about-anything attitude, believe it or not, that makes him so appealing to so many girls [whether they admit it or not.] I mean, what girl doesn't like a good chase?!?


  1. Every girl loves a bad boy! Honestly, I don't really see the appeal. He may clean up nice, but he needs to do it more often. I love how Kristin is going through the same problems with Justin that Audrina did. Did she really think he would be any different? She should not have thought that she was such a special person. Just a side note, but the people on this show take themselves WAY too seriously. They do realize that it is "reality" television, right? I highly doubt any of them will be winning Oscars any time soon...

  2. I must say, Justin is a total hottie. And this dorky picture makes him look so geeky, but in a cute way. :D
